‘When an admission authority informs a parent of a decision to refuse their child a place at a school for which they have applied, it must include the reason why admission was refused; information about the right to appeal; the deadline for lodging an appeal and the contact details for making an appeal. Parents must be informed that, if they wish to appeal, they must set out their grounds for appeal in writing. Admission authorities must not limit the grounds on which appeals can be made.’ School Appeals Code February 2012

Clerking School Admissions Appeals

The service includes managing the administration for this process and the following:

  • Providing assurance that the process is managed within the statutory regulations
  • Appointing a fully trained independent panel
  • Providing advice and guidance on the statutory regulations to all parties
  • Communicating with appellants
  • Clerking the appeal
  • Producing and distributing decision letters

Our rates are reasonable and negotiable depending on the amount of work involved.

Presenting the School’s Case

“The admission authority must provide a presenting officer to present the decision not to admit the child and to answer detailed questions about the case being heard and about the school”. School Admission Code, September 2021

We understand that School Management Teams have very heavily workloads and that School Admission Appeals will only add to this workload.

We can provide an experienced presenting officer who will work closely with the school putting together their case and presenting it on their behalf to the independent appeals panel and parents/carer.

Training is available in the Preparation and Presentation of School Admissions Appeals, see Training for Schools page for further details.

Our rates are reasonable and negotiable depending on the amount of work involved.

A teacher reads to schoolchildren in a primary class

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